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keyboard_arrow_leftMeal Plan Packages

CUFoods Club offers three meal plans:
- Plan A: £30 per week
- Plan B: £40 per week
- Plan C: £55 per week
Each meal plan offers various discountounts, lts, loyalty points and benefits as outlined on each plan. Please see further information on Cardiff University intranet or instagram bio 'CUFoods'.

CU Food Club

Valid for redemption from 6th January to 24th January 2025

Meal Plan A -Term 2 - 06.01.25-24.01.25


Package A - allowing £30 each week
Term two - stage one - over 3 weeks from start of plan period (as detailed in T&Cs)

20% discount on res res restaurant platplate meals
10% discount on hot drinks
5% discount on CUFoods grab and go food
4 loyalty points to £1 spent
Buy 9 get 10th free on hot drinks - smoothies/iced coffees - piece fresh fruit
Meal Plan A -Term 2 - 06.01.25-24.01.25

Meal Plan B -Term 2 - 06.01.25-24.01.25


Package B - allowing £40 each week
Term two - stage one - over 3 weeks from start of plan period (as detailed in T&Cs)

20% discount on res res res restaurant platplate meals
10% discount on hot drinks
5% discount on CUFoods grab and go food
4 loyalty points to £1 spent
Buy 9 get 10th free on hot drinks - smoothies/iced coffees - piece fresh fruit
Meal Plan B -Term 2 - 06.01.25-24.01.25

Meal Plan C -Term 2 - 06.01.25-24.01.25


Package C - allowing £55 each week
Term two - stage one - over 3 weeks from start of plan period (as detailed in T&Cs)

20% discount on res res res restaurant platplate meals
10% discount on hot drinks
5% discount on CUFoods grab and go food
4 loyalty points to £1 spent
Buy 9 get 10th free on hot drinks - smoothies/iced coffees - piece fresh fruit
Meal Plan C -Term 2 - 06.01.25-24.01.25